Reborn Baby Doll Clothes
Shopping for reborn baby doll clothes is part of the hobby experience for me. Having 30 reborns, means I need a LOT of outfits. To save money, I usually shop at a local resale shop, but I also will shop…
Shopping for reborn baby doll clothes is part of the hobby experience for me. Having 30 reborns, means I need a LOT of outfits. To save money, I usually shop at a local resale shop, but I also will shop…
Thanks to you can add an image, provide prompts as to what you want the baby in the photo to do, and it starts working. Soon you have an image like this one…a reborn doll that moves like a…
The reborn hobby is an expensive one. Even a “budget” reborn baby is going to cost $200 and of course, the price goes up drastically from there. I’ve seen a silicone reborn doll listed for over $15,000!! The cost of…